Diary of (a) John


As expected I didn't go out much over the weekend, did not really feel like it.

I did take Mot and Nit to the movies though. We sat through 3 hours of 'The Two Towers' and I must say that I thought the movie fucking brilliant. Those 3 hours seemed to last only a heartbeat. The computer graphics blended in perfectly with the live action and it was often impossible to tell what was real and what was not.
And the final battle for Helm's Deep was just awesome.

Rather like the comment from Gimli as well asking to be tossed. Don't think the girls got it though.

Both girls really enjoyed the movie as well, even though Mot had warned me beforehand that she would likely fall asleep. She didn't.
Of course once the other two found, they want me to take them as well. Guess I'll have to sit through another 3 hours of this. The things I do to keep the peace around the house :)


PS Thank you to those that send their condolences, which Khun Sanuk was kind enough to forward to me. They were appreciated.