Diary of (a) John


Saay and Karl are now married. Although the law may see this differently :)

We had a blast!

Saay had arranged a VIP bus to take us to Sakhon Nakhon and it arrived promptly at 8pm. Halve an hour later we were on our way, 17 girls, 4 guys including the driver. Pretty good odds, eh? :)

The ride in was not as bad as I had feared. It was actually quite pleasant, even though it was looooong (roughly 12 hours!). Karl had arranged quite a bit of beer, some whiskey, and plenty of food, so it did not take long for most of the people on the bus to get into party mode.

The bus was equipped with a karaoke machine and several of the girls got really into that. A bit too much I would almost say, some sounded just awful.

Then, it must have been around midnight or so, one of the girls figured that Karl had not had a stag night. It was then quickly decided that several of the girls would take him into the back of the bus, and take real good care of him.
The fun lasted until Saay got wind of it, and she made it very clear that nobody but her would be taking care of Karl's needs :)

I suggested that I would not mind taking his place, but that suggestion was met with only a lot of laughter :(

We made it to party central just before 9am, half knackered and feeling a distinct buzz from the booze. Some of the locals at the house were already totally wasted however.

Saay and Nit's family took real good care of us though and we were presented with enough food to feed a small country.

Not long after breakfast was finished the monks, 9 in total, appeared. Lots of chanting followed, but I must admit that most of this was lost on me.

Once the monks had eaten, more food was brought out for us and the other guests. This was then followed by, what I think was, the actual marriage ceremony. Karl was taken out of the yard and then marched back at the head of a procession of people. At certain places two people would have a string in between them; Karl had to pay them to be allowed to continue.

When he finally made it to the house, the dowry was paid and people started giving their well wishes and blessings by tying little white strings to the wrists of the bride and groom.

And then the party started in earnest :)
More food (yes, again :) and booze were brought out, the music was cranked up again and people started dancing left, right and center.

This lasted until about 10pm when it became time to go back to BKK. Everybody piled back into the bus and most of them were asleep within the hour.
I did manage to get a nice BJ in the back of the bus though before falling asleep myself. That was a first for me, getting a BJ in a moving vehicle. Good thing I wasn't driving :)

Unfortunately I did not get much sleep on the way back, so when we made it back home around 11am I was totally wasted. Took a quick shower and went straight to bed, sleeping 'til almost 10pm. Watched some TV, messed around on the Internet until the girls came back, and went back to bed after having dinner with them.

Anyway, this was quite an experience and I am really glad to experience it. Also of course I hope that Saay and Karl will enjoy many years of happiness together.
