Diary of (a) John


Life goes on, and while what happened was terrible and gave some of us a frightening wake-up call, things here a getting back to normal (well, okay normal for us anyway :) again.

In the meantime I had some rather deep conversations with the girls, and as expected all of them are terrified of catching the big one. Unfortunately, none of them knows of another way to make enough money to support themselves, their families and in Saay's case, their kids.

Their Buddhist upbringing seems to help quite a bit though, and they all accept their fate (maybe a bit too stoically) and figure that they will be rewarded for their hardships. Either in this life, or the next.

From the conversations I also noticed that, as far as the other 3 girls are concerned, Saay seems to have hit the jackpot, a farang who will take care of her. And she even loves him.
For most of the girls this is the ultimate dream, a sure fire way of getting out of the biz and securing a future for themselves and their family. Unfortunately, more often than not these marriages don't work out.

Something different, two days ago I also received an email from my sister. Some of you may remember she mentioned planning to come visit. Well, she was serious, which of course puts me in a bit of a bind.

Luckily she has given me plenty of warning, as she won't be here until late July.
