Diary of (a) John


While I was still recovering from our 'little' party, Saay got up early today to get herself a passport. Turns out the place to get them is way out towards the airport (she did mention the name, but I forgot), so getting her passport took most of the morning.

Luckily there were no problems, and she can go pick it up next week.

Somehow, Fon's squirrel got out of its cage as well (again, I might add) and I found him chewing on one of my books this morning. Noticed it rather quickly though, so the damage was minimal. Still, this thing is beginning to become a bit of a pain at times.
At least Fon is taking good care of it, which to be honest does surprise me. She even cleans the cage herself!

Anyway, after last weekend I think I am gonna take it easy this week. No parties, no going out, I am gonna stay home, do some work and relax.

Talk to you in a couple of days.
