Diary of (a) John


Yesterday was our 1-year anniversary of living together.
To celebrate I took the girls out for a night on the town, dinner followed by dancing.

Mot took us to a place somewhere on Ladprao (sorry have no idea where the hell it was other than Ladprao) where one of her friends works. It turned out to be a fairly simple restaurant, but the food was pretty good and plentiful. I think we finished a total of 14 dishes, excluding dessert!

During dinner the discussion soon turned to all the fun we had during the last year, Saay's wedding, the recent trip to Ko Chang, and all our parties ;)
Unfortunately there were some unpleasant memories as well; Daeng's pictures online, Saay leaving for Germany, Nit's friend committing suicide...

The good times far outweighed the bad times though, and all agreed that it had been a pretty good year and we are happy to continue this relationship

After dinner, it was time to get down and boogie :)
We ended up in Hollywood. Good music, lots of alcohol, cool show, hot women. What else does one need?

2am came way too soon, so we got in a cab and continued the party at home, were it got a bit (okay, a lot :) more raunchy. After fucking Mot and Nit, I think I passed out around 5am while Fon was giving me a blowjob. At least that is what she says, I honestly don't recall getting blown by Fon. Maybe she blew me after I had already passed out :)

The price for all this debauchery came this afternoon though when I woke up with a splitting headache. I need to stop drinking :(
