Diary of (a) John


Sorry I haven't been writing in the last couple of days. I came down with a cold and have been in bed, sleeping, most of the time.

The girls all insisted I visit a doctor, but being stubborn, I refused. Until I started getting nosebleeds and the girls freaked, that is. Saay joined me (probably making certain I was really going :) ) and has been pretty much my nurse during the last few days.

It seemed to me she really enjoyed taking care of me. Maybe taking care of me was a temporary relief from the pain she is feeling by not being able to take care of her son herself?

Anyway, as usual the doctor gave me enough medicine to start my own pharmacy. The Thais seem to have this idea that unless you get a shitload of medicine from the doctor, he didn't do anything. This is probably one of the reasons for the amount of pills, which in my eyes is excessive. Another reason is most likely profit. After all private hospitals are businesses, and are out to make a profit.
Luckily, healthcare is cheap in Thailand and the consult and medicine cost me less than 500 Baht.

Feeling much better again (though not certain if it was the medicine that cured me, or just sleeping a lot) and will be out and about again tomorrow. Need to catch up on work first though.
