Diary of (a) John


My head hurts....

It was Saay's birthday yesterday and we had a bit of a party here after work. The girls, some of Saay's friends from work, Jack (friend of mine) and me.

The evening started out fine with Jack showing up around 7pm with the cake (JW Marriott, way better than S&P but about the same price), and some balloons and other decorations. Spend some time decorating the place and had dinner at the Old Dutch before heading into Cowboy for a while.

Shared a cab with Daeng and Fon back to the apartment and by the time Nit and Saay with their friends came in most of the preparations were done.

After the food the cake was brought out. Saay managed to blow out all the candles (rather surprising considering the amount of booze she had already consumed at this time :) and this is when things started to get out of control a bit.

Fon was the first to use the cake for other purposes than eating; she took a large lick of cream and smeared it all over Saay's face. Saay retaliated, and that, as they say, was the beginning of the end. I just noticed pieces of cake on the blades of the ceiling fan!

The room looks like a warzone this afternoon, with empty bottles, food, and people! all over the place.

I found Jack still asleep on the couch, pants around his ankles and a half naked girl (waist down!) passed out on top of him. Upon waking up he denied having fucked her, but after a while admitted that he didn't have a clue as to whether he had or not. And neither did the girl :)

The funny thing is that for me it was kinda reversed. I, vaguely, remember fucking (well trying anyway) one of Saay's friends last night, but I woke up alone. It wasn't until I stumbled into the bathroom that I found out why. Noi had apparently gotten up to throw up and passed out next to the toilet afterwards.

All in all a pretty good party :)
