Diary of (a) John


Some really bad news today.

The harsh reality of working in the 'entertainment' industry hit home hard last night when Saay and Nit found out that one of their friends was diagnosed with HIV. We spend the better part of last night talking and it is obvious that the girls are terrified of this dread disease.

Obviously they are taking all the necessary precautions, but, just as with us guys, accidents do happen. The girls also told me that there are still plenty of guys that try to do it without condom, often offering additional money. Some even insist.

I honestly can't understand what these guys are thinking; regardless of what morons like Trink say, HIV can be contracted through normal heterosexual sex. While I don't really know the girl that well, both Saay and Nit insist that she never used any drugs and did not have a Thai boyfriend. Both of them are convinced she got it from a customer.

Luckily for us customers, this barowner was responsible and fired her. However, don't think that this is the norm; there are plenty of owners out there who could care less about anything other than their bottomline.

What will happen to the girl I don't know. I doubt she has the money to pay for treatment and I expect that she will either go back home, or start working the freelance circuit. After all *she* has nothing to lose anymore.

For all our sakes, be careful out there and wrap it up before you stick it in!
