Diary of (a) John


Saay got her visa. She went to pick it up yesterday.
I guess Karl was right when he said it would not be that big a deal.

This means of course that nothing stands in between Saay and a trip to Germany. She is starting to get very excited about the trip, yet at the same time I detect a slight... fear? anxiety?
I suppose this is only natural, I mean she is going to a country on the other side of the world where she will be totally reliant upon Karl. And while I think she loves and trusts him, I can understand her being a bit uncomfortable with the idea.

As expected Nit, too, seemed to have some mixed feelings about Saay getting her visa. She is obviously very happy for her sister, but at the same time I am sure she had kinda hoped she would stay. I know she will miss her terribly.
Still have no idea how she will react when Saay is gone.

And Saay will be gone soon. They have tickets to fly on the 20th.

To be honest, I will miss her as well. She has been a good friend over the last several months, and while we did get to know each other in more than just a platonic way, I have come to see, and love, her like a sister. Yes, I will miss her.
