Diary of (a) John


Damn, did not get the contract for the job I was bidding on. A rather big pain in the ass, since I could have used the extra infusion of money.
It's not that I am without work, but most of my current work is small stuff and while it pays the bills, it does not provide much gravy. This job would have been that gravy.

Oh well, good thing is that you don't need gravy on rice, right? :)

I have been thinking about having a break for a while now, and this may be a good time to do so. Kinda considering maybe heading for one of the islands for a while, just hang out doing nothing for a couple of days.

Maybe Ko Chang, the pictures Daeng showed me from this place looked pretty good and it isn't that far away, nor is it crawling with tourists. I am a bit worried whether or not the rainy season will affect things much.

And of course there is the question should I go alone, or bring company? And if I bring company should I bring one of the girls (all of them?) or one of my regulars?
Guess bringing one of the girls would not be a good idea. I rather doubt the others would be happy and may very well feel left out. Bringing all of them might be fun, but could also be a logistic nightmare.

Hmmm, guess I will need to think about this for a while.
