Diary of (a) John


Nit's boyfriend left last night and she saw him off at the airport.
They had a big talk in his hotel room before that, in which he asked her to quit working in the bar. Nit of course countered that she needed the money and so after a bit of 'budgeting' they worked out an amount of 20,000 Baht a month.

Yep, he has promised to send her 20,000 Baht a month to stop working. Obviously, as you and I both know, Nit is not gonna stop working. She will take the money, though.

I am sure there are guys out there reading this, that think I should have warned the guy, or that I should spill the beans to him. I have, however, long ago decided not to make any moral judgments on these kind of deals, and figure it none of my business.

The way I see it this guy is living in a fantasy world and if he is willing to throw his money away to perpetuate this fantasy then who am I to tell him he shouldn't/can't?
And yes, any guy that believes that a girl, 20+ years his junior, who he has 'rented' for a total of 4 weeks, truly loves him is living in a fantasy world.

As for Nit, how can I blame her for accepting such easy money? She did not ask for it, so why should she refuse the offer? Sure, I suppose one can argue that she should keep her end of the bargain and stop working, but what certainty does she have that he will keep sending money? Or even start sending money?

There are just too many "what if"s in these situations that the best thing to do is just to not get involved. Which is exactly what I am doing.

Anyway, if this guy is gonna start sending her money I will try and help her manage it a bit. She doesn't need the extra 20K, so maybe she can put it away in a separate account and not touch it. Fat chance I suppose, but it's worth a shot.

Flying out tonight.
