Diary of (a) John


Saay and Nit have come back from visiting with their relatives, totally wasted after a total of 14 hours or so of traveling.

From what I gathered, they had a pretty good time back home. Just in case you are wondering, everybody is fine; nobody needs an operation and the buffalo is still very healthy :)

Seriously though, their parents seem like fairly decent people. They don't ask for much and are not at all happy with the fate of their girls. They have had to except it though as one of the few realistic ways of making some money.

We have all heard the stories about the girls being exploited by their family, mother gambling and father drinking/whoring the money away that is send up-country. While I am certain this does happen, it may even be common; luckily, it is not like this for every girl working the bars of Bangkok and Pattaya.

Of course I might be way off, since I have never met the parents, but this is how I interpret the stories I hear from Nit and Saay.

Talking of Saay, she seemed a bit sad when talking about Kob, her son. I guess she is already missing him a lot. Must be tough having a kid and not being able to raise him yourself, or even see him more than 2-3 times a year.

Oh, and they have brought some food from Sakhon Nakhon (now there's a surprise!). It's some local delicacy, called 'mum', some kind of dark sausages.

Guess what we had for dinner?

Fon seemed very pleased with the sausages, but I, being a dog lover, respectfully declined. I mean, sausages from Sakhon Nakhon...

Anyway, it is nice to have them back again. It was just too quiet around here.
