Diary of (a) John


Not much happening here the last couple of days. Did go out last night and saw Saay talking to the same guy she was with last week.

This time she spotted me walking in though and came rushing over to get me, and asked me to join them. Turns out he is one of her regulars, and he turned out to be a really nice guy.

What actually surprised me even more is that he knew of our living arrangements, and did not really seem to mind. Saay and him have known each other for quite a while already, and from what I could tell are rather fond of each other. Whether it was just friendship or a bit more I could not tell though.

Anyway, we had a really nice talk over a few (OK, maybe not a few) beers, and I invited him over to the apartment. Checked with Saay first though and she just gave me a big smile and a nod.

He accepted and so, tonight Saay, and Nit, are cooking dinner for the four of us. Should be an interesting evening.
