Diary of (a) John


Looks like am off for the States for a week or so. Got an email from a customer who wanted to talk in person.
Now I usually don't fly over to meet customers (would be a rather big pain in the ass), but I figured I might as well tie this in to a visit with the folks.

It will be nice seeing my family again, but that I am not looking forward to spending more than a full day traveling. I can usually sleep a couple of hours on the plane, but still I am usually complete wasted by the time I arrive :(
And then by the time I have finally adjusted and am functioning like a human being again, it is time to go back.
I suppose a week is too short, but I just can't stand being Stateside for any longer.

Obviously once the girls found out the request for gifts came very quickly. Perfume is high on the list, as are Levi's (originals). Fon suggested I bring her a 'fake one', i.e. a dildo. I am fairly certain she was joking, but I would like to see her response if I actually do bring her one.
Surprisingly none of them asked for chocolate. Too afraid to get fat I suppose.

Oh well, off to my travel agent.


PS Asked Deang about the fingers; second guy for the night.