Diary of (a) John


Saay went to pick up her passport yesterday, no problems. Well, with the visa anyway. The cabdriver couldn't find the place and she spend an extra 30 minutes or so driving around looking for it. Of course neither came up with the idea of stopping to ask for directions :)

Anyway, next up will be the visa, which I have been told will likely not be such a big deal. Germany is part of the Schengen (?) countries and these have fairly relaxed visa rules. The way I understand it they will apply for a 3-month visa when Karl gets here. Not certain if it will be before or after the wedding, but I doubt it would make much difference anyway.

By the way, I am not certain if I will be able to write much in the next few days. I got an email from a client this morning about some possible work and might be rather busy for a while. I'll know more after I speak with her.

So, if I don't write for a few days, don't worry (yeah, like you guys would :)
